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47th Week of Slovenian Drama

46 years of the Week of Slovenian drama

46 Years of the Week of Slovenian Drama

The Week of Slovenian Drama is the central festival for performances of Slovenian plays, organised annually by Prešeren Theatre Kranj with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Kranj. It encourages the staging of performances of national drama as well as its production, promotion and presentation abroad. To achieve that, the festival cooperates with Slovenian and international theatres and theatre institutes. Important contributions to the encouragement of creating Slovenian drama are annual playwriting workshops, mentored by renowned Slovenian and foreign playwrights, reading performances and presentations of the nominated plays and cooperation with the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television and the Faculty of Arts, both of the University of Ljubljana.

1971 – the first Week of Slovenian Drama in Kranj (the Week of Slovenian Drama was organised in Celje in 1955, 1963 and 1954)

1973 – the first participation of performances of Slovenian drama from theatres of the then-Yugoslavia at the festival

1979 – the first Slavko Grum Award for the best new Slovenian play and the first Grün–Filipič Award for the achievements in Slovenian dramaturgy

1999 – the first Grand Prix for the best performance awarded

1999 – the first translations of award-winning text prepared by the festival

2003 – the beginning of reading performances of the plays nominated for the Grum Award

2004 – the Grand Prix renamed after the recently deceased playwright Rudi Šeligo

2004 – the beginning of the annual playwriting workshops, future Grum Award winners are among the participants

2006 – the first Audience Award given

2007 – the Day of the Nominees offers an in-depth view of the new texts

2009 – the Week of Slovenian Drama and the Slovenian Centre ITI join forces to promote Slovenian drama abroad

2011 – the Week of Slovenian drama and its partner festivals prepare an initiative for a festival association for new drama

2012 – the first Young Playwright Award

2014 – the plays from similar festivals of national drama presented at the festival

2015 - the first professional meeting of make-up artists from Slovenian theatres

2016 - the first Vladimir Kralj Award is presented in cooperation with the Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia


List of texts entered for the Slavko Grum Award and for the Young Playwright Award

The Slavko Grum Award

The Grum Award jury of the 47th Week of Slovenian Drama, consisting of literary historian and theatre scholar Mateja Pezdirc Bartol (president), dramaturg Rok Andres, dramaturg and theatre researcher Tatjana Ažman, literary theorist Gašper Troha and dramaturg Klavdija  Zupan, has nominated five texts for the Slavko Grum Award.

Thirty-nine texts were entered this year for the Slavko Grum Award competition, organised  annually by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj as a part of the Week of Slovenian Drama. The four plays nominated last year also remain in competition, for a total of forty-three texts.

The award will be presented at the Closing Ceremony of the Week of Slovenian Drama.

The Grum Award Nominees:

Simona Hamer: Postcards or Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

Vinko Möderndorfer: A Boy, a Girl and a Silver-haired Gentleman

Rok Sanda: Icarus, a Story of a Flighty

Simona Semenič: this apple, golden

Rok Vilčnik rokgre: Our Theatre


Text entered for this year's Slavko Grum Award competition:

Avtor/avtorica/avtorji/avtorice: Republika Slovenija

Andrej Beloglavec: Abraham na Luni

Evald Flisar: Big bang baby

Franjo Frančič: Otroške oči; Sovraštvo; Zid, kri, nebo

Lotica in Valter Gorenc: Trupla

Simona Hamer: Razglednice ali strah je od znotraj votel od zunaj pa ga nič ni

Justin Jauk: Lepa Vida – Krik svobode

Aleš Jelenko: Poišči me

Jaša Koceli: Preblizu

Zdenko Kodrič: Ladja Imperial ali Dobrodošli na oceanu Mala Moskva

Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva: Podružnica

Igor Likar: Posmrtni intervju črnega Krištofa ali Grobnica črnega klovna; Radio Tesla in zgodba o otroku svetlobe

Mitja Lovše: Cimra

Katja Markič: Otrok svojega sveta

Tamara Matevc: Bratonski pil, Prva ljubezen

Miha Mazzini: Pot domov

Tjaša Mislej: Drugi je prvi v vrsti luzerjev

Vinko Möderndorfer: Fant, dekle in sivolasi gospod; Za isto mizo

Barbara Pišlar: Metamfetaminski ples

Matej Polick: Manifest človeštva

Nebojša Pop-Tasić: Zakaj ptiči pojejo

Cveto Preželj: Bogorodica

Kristina Radešček: Kandidatožer

Rok Sanda: Ikarus, zgodba o poletu

Simona Semenič: ovira; to jabolko, zlato

Ivo Svetina: V imenu matere, sestre in nerojenih

Gašper Tič: Trač ali Mnogo hrupa za nič

Rok Vilčnik rokgre: Naše gledališče

Primož Vresnik: Kvanti v pločevinki

Sofija Vukelj: Vmes pa ljubezen

Dragan Živadinov, Mojca Kumerdej, Lotos Vincenc Šparovec: Antropologija

N. N.: Štala


The four  plays nominated last year that also remain in the competition:

Žanina Mirčevska: Rojstvo tirana iz glave črva

Vinko Moderndorfer: Psi lajajo

Gašper Tič: Trio

Matjaž Zupančič: Prehod



The Young Playwright Award

Since 2012, the Prešeren Theatre Kranj has been presenting this award to a young playwright at the Week of Slovenian Drama. To be eligible to compete for the Young Playwright Award the authors of the entered texts must be younger than thirty years of age. The award will be decided on by the jury consisting of literary historian and theatre scholar Mateja Pezdirc Bartol (president), dramaturg Rok Andres, dramaturg and theatre researcher Tatjana Ažman, literary theorist Gašper Troha and dramaturg Klavdija Zupan.

The award will be presented at the Closing Ceremony of the Week of Slovenian Drama.


Monika Bukovec: Stari demoni

Katarina Černe: Prideš prosim nazaj?

Marija Gardina: Granatno jabolko

Varja Hrvatin: Nocturno; Prodane duše zmeraj izležejo krzno

Ajdin Huzejrović: Lahko noč družina

Sara Lucu: Prenapetost

Kaja Novosel: Spotaknem se ob svoj sanjski svet in padem vanj

Katja Perat: Zaton srednjega razreda

Tjaša Plazar: Ne morem si privoščiti tako dolgega življenja

Iza Strehar: Lahko bi bilo, ampak ni.

Nika Švab: Ujeti trenutek

Egon Vrečič: Korotanec

Benjamin Zajc: Medene solze


