Žanina Mirčevska
The Gorge (Ždrelo)
National Theatre Kikinda, Republic of Serbia
Director: Snežana Trišić
Stage designer: Ljubica Milanović
Costume designer: Marica Sremac
Music: Irena Popović Dragović
Choreographer: Andrea Kulešević
Piano player: Irena Popović Dragović
Marko Gvero, Branislav Knežević, Gordana Rauški, Dragan Ostojić, Marina Vodeničar, Đorđe Marković, Suzana Lukić, Mina Stojković, Nikola Joksimović, Miljan Davidović, Branislav Čubrilo
About the performance
The Gorge is an excruciating allegory about a man reduced to a primordial hunger. Hunger (or gluttony) as the primary motive is here a symbol of human greed. It is not only symbolised by the title, but also by the "name" of our lead character: The One That Ate His Name. The outline of the text is almost fairy tale-like: a hungry man is walking through a forest and the falling rain gives him hope that he will eat his fill, because after the rain – mushrooms grow, and mushrooms are good food...